My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook
  • My Nutritionary ebook

    My Nutritionary ebook

    SKU: OP433

    Winner of the Non-Fiction Authors Association Gold Award.

    905 In Stock
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    Winner of the Non-Fiction Authors Association Gold Award.

    This ebook will be delivered to you as a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD via a link in an email. You will receive the email as soon as your payment has been approved. NOTE: it's a VIRTUAL BOOK - you don't get a physical book in the post.

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    Over 600 additives, allergens, antioxidants, chemicals, nutrients, ingredients, acronyms and nutrition terms explained

    Boost your nutrition know-how

    Do you know your MCTs from your LCTs? How about sterols from stanols? What’s the difference between glucose and dextrose? Or probiotics and prebiotics? Why do we need calcium? What additive is number 330? How safe is acesulfame K? If you find yourself confused by food labels and ads for healthy eating, Catherine Saxelby’s comprehensive guide My Nutritionary will help you cut through the jargon and put the power of her nutrition know-how in your hands.

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    We live in a world with constantly changing nutrition advice – eat more of this, avoid that – but increasingly this information uses scientific terminology that few of us are familiar with. When everyone from diet gurus to wellness bloggers to celebrity chefs and even your doctor has suggestions for healthy eating, translating the latest nutrition jargon into useful terms can be overwhelming.

    In My Nutritionary, Catherine gives you short easy answers in plain English, helping you navigate through the jargon so you know what you’re eating. If you want to know exactly what you’re putting in your shopping trolley – or on the dinner table - this is the guide for you. Hashtag #MyNutritionary

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    About Catherine Saxelby

    Catherine Saxelby, B Sc, APD, AN, FAIFST, is a Sydney-based culinary nutritionist and award-winning author of 13 books. She is a trusted ‘voice of reason' in a world full of food fads, extreme diets and trendy super foods. She has contributed to many magazines such as Healthy Food Guide, Prevention and New Idea, and has appeared on TV programs including Good Morning Australia and Today. She runs an informational website at where she shares her discoveries about nutrition, diets and food trends.

    Why I wrote this book

    “I’ve come to realise that there’s so many weird and odd-sounding terms which makes it harder and harder for the average person to figure out what’s what and choose a healthy way of eating. So I explain the what and why of all of these in one handy guide so you can swiftly find out what the heck the RDI or GI or a BMI really is! Grab this eBook and see for yourself.”  Catherine Saxelby

    Learn at your leisure

    This ebook will be delivered to you as a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD in a link in an email. NOTE: it's a VIRTUAL BOOK - you don't get a physical book in the post.

    ISBN: 978-0-9875521-5-0

    30,000 words >> Equivalent to 120 pages >> Read in 2 hours

    You have two weeks to download three files (a PDF file plus a MOBI file for a Kindle plus an ePub file for reading devices such as a Nook) before the link expires. If you have a Kindle, the file can be downloaded onto the Kindle through the USB port - simply plug it in and treat the Kindle as an external drive.

    Please DOWNLOAD as soon as you get the email. Read later at your leisure.

    Contents – here’s what you’ll get:

    Heaps to educate and inform so you will understand it all. In simple easy-to-grasp English.

    Introduction and welcome from Catherine

    How to get the most from this book

    A arachidonic acid (AA) to azorubine

    B Barker hypothesis to butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)

    C caffeine to cysteine monochloride

    D Deadly Quartet to DEXA

    E eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to ethyl maltol

    F fasting to fumaric acid

    G galactose to gums

    H haem iron to hypoglycaemia

    I indigotine to isomalt

    J junk food

    K kaolin to kryptoxanthin

    L lactase to lysozyme

    M magnesium to myristic acid

    N natamycin to Nutrient Reference Value (NRV)

    O obesity to oxidised starch

    P palmitic acid to pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

    Q Quetelet's Index to quinoline yellow

    R Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) to rubixanthin

    S saccharin to Syndrome X

    T tagatose to tyrosine

    U ubiquinol to ultra-processed foods (UPF)

    V valine to vitamin PP

    W water to wind

    X xanthan gum to xylitol

    Z zeaxanthin to zinc

    Appendix 1 Grouping of nutrients

    Appendix 2 Additives classified by their code number

    Appendix 3 Measures and conversions


    PLUS you get Bonus Cheat Sheets to help you grasp things faster. Free downloads!

    Still not sure? Read a sample

    Read a post from the eBook here. It's called "My Top 20 Terms" and will give you a quick taste.

    Read an extract of the first 16 pages up to the end of the letter A here.

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    I'd appreciate an honest review on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Booktopia, Angus & Robertson or wherever you bought the ebook. It doesn't have to be long - just a simple "I loved it" or "Great read" will do. I'll be looking out for these and will post them to Instagram and Facebook. Many thanks.


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